Quick Life Hacks with the Eloquent Model

Hi folks, It’s no secret that I love Laravel, and especially love Eloquent. This post isn’t about why various people don’t like Eloquent, etc, etc. but just some “life hacks” of working with Eloquent. #1 – Naming Conventions I personally like to use the following naming convention on my databases (using a forum as an …

You are the worst programmer in the world

You, yes you, are the worst programmer or web developer in the world. Without a shadow of a doubt. In someone’s opinion. The thing about programming or building anything is that it’s almost entirely subjective. Of course there are certain things which are categorically bad like lazy developing, obvious bugs, security vulnerabilities and terrible performance …

When to use GitHub, when to use BitBucket

This is always a bit of a hot topic, especially amongst teams just getting ready to start properly managing their code through remote repositories. Disclaimer: I’m only going to talk about GitHub and BitBucket in this article. If your code is your bread and butter, your only offering; you probably should consider hosting your repositories …

How Eloquent breaks the Single Responsibility Principle, and why I’m okay with it

Hi everyone I thought I would discuss a controversial one today, in order to give an articulated response to a common argument about Eloquent (and generally the Active Record pattern) Firstly, just in case you don’t know, here are some definitions: Single Responsibility Principle: The “S” in the “SOLID” principles. In short, this means one class …