Dependency Inversion and Interface Segregation using Laravel’s Service Container

In very short, we’re going to cover the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) and the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) in this article, and practically how we implement them within a Laravel environment.

Dependency Inversion Principle

  1. The principle is handy for the decoupling modules (making them independent of one another)
  2. Modules should not depend upon each other, but instead upon abstractions (in PHP there are generally interfaces)
  3. Abstractions should not be concerned with the implementation of functionality

Interface Segregation Principle

The next part we’re going to look at in this article is the Interface Segregation Principle, roughly covered in these two points

  1. No client should be forced to depend upon methods which it does not use
  2. Many specific interfaces are better than a single general purpose interface

Approaching the task

Now that we have recapped the principles, very briefly, here’s how we implement this.

  1. Split the required functionality into any parts which, according to the Single Responsibility Principle, would need to be separate – this will create interface segregation
  2. Understand the communication between any of these parts at its most generic level
  3. Create the interfaces (abstractions) through which this communication can be achieved
  4. Inject your dependencies based on the abstractions, achieving dependency inversion
  5. Resolve the abstractions to concretions with the Laravel service container

Implementing the Approach

The specification I was working to was (roughly);

Players should be able to send cash, bullets, and bonds to one another

Paraphrased specification

I’m going to quote some code below, which comes from this Pull Request

1. Split the requirements into single responsibilities

Several things happen when funds are transferred between accounts, so we need to logically split these

  1. Currency is credited to a character
  2. Currency is debited from a character
  3. A log of the transaction is stored
  4. A notification is sent

Logically, only the first 3 parts of this need to be programmed, because we can use Laravel Events, Listeners, and Notifications to handle the forth part.

Part 1 and 2 of this can be handled through a single class, which is responsible for the adjustment of currency amounts on a specific character.

So that leaves part 3, and the wrapping of parts 1 and 2 for our transferrer. With this separation, I now have 2 classes with single responsibilities:

  1. CurrencyHandler which is responsible for handling currency on characters (checking, crediting, debiting), single responsibility: this class will only change if the way in which we store/calculate currency is changed
  2. CurrencyTransferrer which is responsible for tying up the process of transferring currency from one character to another, single responsibility: this class will only change if the way which we carry out a transfer of currency changes

2. Understand the required communication

The transferrer depends upon the handler, because the transfer cannot happen without the handler. The next question is; what does the handler need to be able to communicate (whether answering questions, or receiving instructions)?

  1. Question: Is this (string) a valid currency? We have three in game
  2. Question: Is this amount valid for this character? i.e. can they afford to expend this amount
  3. Instruction: Add X amount of Y currency to this character
  4. Instruction: Remove X amount of Y currency from this character

And we also have to think about the transferrer, what do we need to be able to communicate with a currency transferrer?

  1. Instruction: Transfer X amount of Y currency from A character to B character

3. Create the Interfaces

From these single responsibilities, we can create 2 interfaces

  1. HandlesCurrency
  2. TransfersCurrency

HandlesCurrency defines the following methods to be implemented, according to the lines of communication we defined

public function creditCurrency(Character $character, string $currency, int $amount): void;

public function debitCurrency(Character $character, string $currency, int $amount): void;

public function characterHasOnHand(Character $character, string $currency, int $amount): bool;

public function validateCurrency(string $currency): bool;

Whereas, based on the required communication, the TransfersCurrency interface declares the following

public function transfer(Character $from, Character $to, string $currency, int $amount);

4. Segregate these interfaces from their concretions, and inject the abstractions

Laravel makes this bit exceptionally easy… (the following is within a Service Provider)

$this->app->bind(HandlesCurrency::class, CurrencyHandler::class);
$this->app->bind(TransfersCurrency::class, function () {
    return new CurrencyTransferrer(

So what we are doing here is…

  1. When I request the HandlesCurrency interface, Laravel will give me an instance of the CurrencyHandler class (concretion)
  2. When I request the TransfersCurrency interface, Laravel will give me an instance of CurrencyTransferrer
  3. The constructor method of CurrencyTransferrer requires an injection of its dependency of HandlesCurrency so what we do, is we tell Laravel to inject the appropriate resolution of HandlesCurrency (which is the CurrencyHandler) in for us
  4. Now, whenever we want to transfer currency between players we can simply request a CurrencyTransferrer

There are some really important things to note here;

  1. The CurrencyTransferrer does not know, nor care, how currency is handled throughout the game, it just knows that it needs to be able to ask some questions, and issue some instructions to the implementation
  2. Nowhere in the codebase (unit tests excluded) will the CurrencyHandler or the CurrencyTransferrer be mentioned, any implementation will only ever depend upon the abstractions thus, if I were to want to completely replace the CurrencyHandler, because it’s now handled by a microservice (for example), I would create a class that implements the interface, and change the service binding, every usage would be swapped

Just to wrap this full circle, let’s assume we have an API end point which transfers funds from one character to another, when we declare our Controller we would define the constructor something like as below (and Laravel would do the rest for us)

class CurrencyTransferController extends Controller
    protected $transferrer;
    public function __construct(TransfersCurrency $transferrer)
        $this->transferrer = $transferrer;

In Summary

To summarise here, what we’ve done is taken a piece of functionality which could’ve gotten very messy. We have split it into its reusable components, we have then inverted any dependency on those concretions, so we only depend upon the channels of communication which they have.

After doing all that we have completely interchangeable classes, we’ve used the Laravel service container, to understand how to resolve (and inject a dependency into a concretion of) our abstractions.

This is a very simple example, but what it does is demonstrate how to create highly decoupled code, following the I and the D from the SOLID principles.

Some disclaimers

  1. The Character model is injected directly, and is not inverted via an interface. I am porting old functionality across, and nothing throughout the system can function with the concept, however I think I probably will go and implement an interface to the effect of HasCurrency rather than accessing the fields directly. The other thing is, if I’m not careful I create lasagne here, I may, later on, decide to implement the HandlesCurrency interface directly upon the Character model, but in doing that I will be breaking the Single Responsibility Principle – I’m still toying with the different ways I could do this
  2. Strictly speaking the CurrencyHandler could be split into CreditsCurrency and DebitsCurrency – the reason I haven’t done this is because they are direct opposite functionalities. But now that I have noticed this, I may well go and change it
  3. I’m not perfect – there will be mistakes, I’m okay with that, but feel free to flag them, I am always happy to take on board other perspectives and learnings

Laravel Deep Dive – Mafia Online – Contents
I will update this as I add new articles

  1. Introduction
  2. Dependency Inversion and Interface Segregation using Laravel’s Service Container
  3. Achieving Single Responsibility with HTTP Requests in Laravel (coming soon)


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