Understanding and Utilising the Expertise in your Project

So this is a topic I thought I would touch on, having worked in lots of environments, on lots of projects, with varying different sets of priorities; I have noticed a few different things; with some very common characteristics across almost all development teams. The first is that there is a two fold problem when …

PHP Interfaces, Traits, and Inheritance, how and when to use them

Hi all So this one is going to be fairly short and simple, I hope! What I am going to cover, and this does assume so prior knowledge, is what interfaces, traits, and inheritance are; and some different use cases for them. So the first one, and maybe the easiest one to cover, first: Inheritance …

When to use GitHub, when to use BitBucket

This is always a bit of a hot topic, especially amongst teams just getting ready to start properly managing their code through remote repositories. Disclaimer: I’m only going to talk about GitHub and BitBucket in this article. If your code is your bread and butter, your only offering; you probably should consider hosting your repositories …

How Eloquent breaks the Single Responsibility Principle, and why I’m okay with it

Hi everyone I thought I would discuss a controversial one today, in order to give an articulated response to a common argument about Eloquent (and generally the Active Record pattern) Firstly, just in case you don’t know, here are some definitions: Single Responsibility Principle: The “S” in the “SOLID” principles. In short, this means one class …